Τετάρτη 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

“gniS I yppahnU”

He came to us as a baby. 
We can hear his screams from far.
We were so happy that we sing his arrival.
We were waiting for him as a Messiah.
He grew up so fast, 
we didn’t understand how time passed so fast.
Through his growing, we felt many pleasures,
we felt many sadness. 
“that’s the way it’s goes” we all said. 
Now he is dying just outside our door.
He is not a baby, he is a very old
no one wants to say goodbye to him. 
We are watching him dying, and all of us we are relief.
We are waiting for a new baby to come, 
we are waiting to sing happily for him.

Maybe this new baby it’s better, maybe not. 
But as all of us keep saying: “that’s the way it’s goes”.

Πέμπτη 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2016


Σεναριο για το τραγουδι "Γλεντι" του Γ. Αγγελακα απο το δισκο  «Η Γελαστη Ανηφορα»

00:00 – 01:05
Ειμαστε μεσα σε μια εκκλησια. Υπαρχουν περιπου 20 ατομα, ολοι ντυμενοι επισημα με καλοκουρεμενα μαλλια. Αρκετοι κρατανε ποτηρια με κρασι στα χερια τους σαν σε δεξιωση. Η καμερα περναει αναμεσα τους. Μερικοι κουνιουνται στο ρυθμο.

01:05 – 01:24
Γκρο πλαν στο προσωπο του Γιαννη που τραγουδαει.

01:24 – 01:48
Ο Γιαννης σηκωνεται μεσα από το φερετρο. Ο κοσμος τον κοιταει χαμογελωντας. Καποιοι σκουντανε τον διπλανο τους ώστε να τον δουν κ αυτοι. Μερικοι του χαμογελανε χαιρετωντας τον σηκωνοντας το ποτηρι τους.
(τραγουδαει μαζι με τον κοσμο. Εναλλαγη πλανων μεταξυ κοσμου κ Γιαννη)

01:49 – 02:07
Ο Γιαννης πηδαει αναμεσα στο κοσμο. Περπαταει αναμεσα τους, πολλοι του χαμογελανε.

02:07 – 02:27
Γκρο πλαν στο προσωπο του Γιαννη καθως τραγουδαει.

02:27 – 02:40
Ο κοσμος κ ο Γιαννης τραγουδανε το ρεφραιν

02:40 – 02:50
Τραγουδαει ο Γιαννης

02:50 – 03:28
Ο Γιαννης μπαινει στο φερετρο. τεσσερα ατομα τον σηκωνουν κ μαζι με ολους τους υπολοιπους κατευθυνονται στο ταφο χορευοντας. Το φερετρο είναι ανοικτο.
(μακρυνο πλανο από ψηλα το φερετρο κ τον κοσμο)

03:28 – τελος

Ο κοσμος τραγουδαει καθως τοποθετουν το φερετρο στο ταφο. ο Γιαννης σηκωνεται παλι κ τραγουδαει μαζι τους χωρις εκεινοι να τον βλεπουν. Στο τελος απομακρυνεται ο Γιαννης κ βλεπουμε τον κοσμο μπροστα στον ταφο.

Τετάρτη 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2016


Σεναριο για το τραγουδι «Τηλεντρογκες» του Γ. Αγγελακα από το δισκο «Η Γελαστη Ανηφορα»

00:00 – 00:56
Βλεπουμε μια μεγαλη αιθουσα ψυχιατρειου. Καποιοι τροφιμοι παιζουν ταβλι, αλλοι ξεφυλλιζουν περιοδικα, καποιοι αλλοι κοιτανε στο πουθενα. Ενας τροφιμος ανοιγει την τηλεοραση. Εχει παρασιτα. Ψαχνει τα καναλια. Βλεπει το προσωπο του Αγγελακα

00:57 – 01:25
πολυ κοντινο πλανο στον Αγγελακα καθως τραγουδαει. Οι τροφιμοι σταματανε ό,τι εκαναν κ γυριζουν προς τη τηλεοραση

01:25 – 01:39
Βλεπουμε τους τροφιμους να τραγουδανε

01:40 – 02:09
Καποιοι σηκωνονται κ αρχιζουν να χορευουν περιεργα. Ενας τροφιμος (κοντος κ αξυριστος) κουναει ολο το κορμι του όμως τα ποδια του είναι ακινητα. Σφυριζει κ φωναζει «ωπα».

02:10 – 02:24
Αρχιζει να σπρωχνει ο ενας τον αλλον. Στο βαθος βλεπουμε την τηλεοραση κ το προσωπο του Αγγελακα να τραγουδα

02:25 – 02:37
Ολοι χορευουν ηρεμα κ παραξενα

02:38 – 02:52
Αρχιζουν παλι να σπρωχνονται

02:52 – 03:10
Τραγουδανε κ χορευουν παραξενα ολοι μαζι. Ο κοντος τυπος σφυριζει κ βγαζει  τα επιφωνηματα που ακουγονται στο τραγουδι.

03:10- 03:22
Ο κοντος τυπος χορευει περιεργα παλι φωναζοντας «Γιαννης, Ολγα, Νικος». Οι υπολοιποι σπρωχνει ο ενας τον αλλον ξανα.

03:22 – 04:00
Ο κοντος τυπος όπως κουνιεται περιεργα με τα ποδια ακινητα φωναζει «Νικος, Γιωργος, Παυλος» ενώ σφυριζει κιολας. Οι υπολοιποι αναποδογυριζουν τραπεζια, κλωτσανε καρεκλες καθως  χορευουν.

04:00 – 04:27

Ενας νοσοκομος μπαινει στην αιθουσα. Κλεινει την τηλεοραση. Γυριζει προς την καμερα κ λεει τα λογια του τραγουδιου «αυτές ηταν κυριες κ κυριοι οι σημαντικοτερες ειδησεις της ημερας από το καλο μας καναλι. Από εμας καλη σας νυχτα κ καλο σας ξενερωμα». Οι τροφιμοι σηκωνουν τα τραπεζια κ τις καρεκλες, κ καθονται ηρεμα σα να μη συνεβει τπτ, κανοντας ό,τι εκαναν κ πριν.

Παρασκευή 16 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

"ώλακαραΠ εΣ εΜ εσώΣ"

Προχωρησε γρηγορα προς το μερος της χωρις εκεινη να τον δει. Κλεινοντας το στομα της, την παρεσυρε σε ένα ερημο κτιριο. Ο ποθος του ηταν μεγαλος, τοσο που δε μπορουσε να αντισταθει. Τι κ αν αυτό που εκανε ηταν παρανομο? Τι κ αν το ειχε κανει κ άλλες φορες στο παρελθον? Ηξερε ότι καποια στιγμη θα τον επιαναν κ όλα θα τελειωναν. Για να σταματησει το παθος του ευχοταν κάθε φορα να τον πιασουν. Όπως τωρα, που η ανηλικη κοπελα τον παρακαλουσε κλαιγοντας. Εκεινος εδειχνε να συγκινειται για μια στιγμη. Την κοιταξε στα ματια ανεκφραστος. «σωσε με σε παρακαλω» της ειπε. Όμως σε λιγα λεπτα όλα τελειωσαν.  Αφησε τη κοπελα ακινητη με τα ματια ανοιχτα, ντυθηκε γρηγορα κ εφυγε κλαιγοντας.  

Πέμπτη 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

"ςολλΑ Ο ώγΕ"

Καθοταν κάθε μεσημερι στο παραθυρο. Συγκεκριμενη ωρα κάθε φορα. Παρακολουθουσε τον απεναντι καθως γυρνουσε από το γραφειο.  Ηταν ενας τυπος στην ηλικια του, μονο που αυτος ηταν επιτυχημενος. Ειχε καλη δουλεια, ακριβο αυτοκινητο κ φυσικα ομορφη γυναικα. Εμφανισιακα του εμοιαζε, όμως οι τυχες τους ηταν διαφορετικες. Συχνα αναρρωτιοταν γιατι ο άλλος να ζει καλα κ εκεινος όχι, γιατι η μοιρα διαλεξε τον αλλον κ όχι αυτόν. Ηθελε να ηταν ο άλλος! Ποσο πολύ ηθελε! Ετσι, μια ημερα τον περιμενε εξω από το σπιτι του. Στο χερι του κρατουσε ένα περιστροφο. μολις ηρθε ο άλλος, τον σημαδεψε στο κεφαλι. Πριν πατησει τη σκανδαλη, τον ακουσε να του λεει: «τι πας να κάνεις? Να σκοτωσεις τον εαυτο σου?»
Ηταν όμως πολύ αργά.

Δευτέρα 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

"ςυολέΤ ήπωιΣ"

Περιμενε σκυφτη αναμεσα στο πληθος. Σε λιγο θα εφερναν στο δικαστηριο το δολοφονο του μονακριβου γιου της, του αιματος της. Τοσο καιρο σχεδιαζε την εκδικηση της. Στο τσαντακι της ειχε κρυμενο ένα οπλο. 
Ηξερε ότι ο πονος της δεν θα περνουσε, ομως δε μπορουσε να ξεχασει το ειρωνικο χαμογελο του δολοφονου όταν τον επιασαν. Της στοιχειωνε τη ζωη, της στοιχειωνε το χαμο του γιου της.
Οι αστυνομοι εκαναν τον κοσμο στην ακρη. Σε λιγο θα περνουσε ο δολοφονος.
Η μανα κατορθωσε να βρεθει μπροστα του. Τον κοιταξε στα μάτια. Εκεινος παγωσε. Το χερι της ηταν μεσα στο τσαντακι. Μια ματιά της ηταν ολη της η εκδικηση. Εφυγε χωρις να του πει κουβεντα. 
Λιγο παρακατω, εστρεψε το οπλο στον εαυτο της.

Παρασκευή 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

"υοΜ ήκιΔ άνιτοτναΠ"

Κοιτουσα τη φουστα της καθως ανεμιζε από τον αερα. Το ανεμελο βαδισμα της. Τα μακρυα μαυρα της μαλλια καλλυπταν το μικρο της στηθος. Τι ομορφα ηταν όταν τα εσπρωχνε προς τα πισω!Το χαμογελο της ηταν τοσο αθωο, μια αμαρτια για τα ματια των ανθρωπων. Πιο πολύ ομως κοιτουσα τα ποδια της. Το απαλο τους δερμα οδηγουσε στον Παραδεισο. Δε τολμησα ποτέ να της μιλησω, ή να την κοιταξω στα ματια. Φοβομουν ότι δε θα αντεχα ουτε να της χαμογελασω. Κάθε βραδυ όμως ηταν δικη μου. Μονο δικη μου! Καποια μερα εμαθα ότι βλεπει αλλον. Καταλαβα ότι δεν θα ειμαστε ποτέ μαζι. Την επομενη φορα που την ειδα, την πλησιασα. Δε της μιλησα καθολου. Από τοτε, θα ηταν παντοτινα δικη μου

Σάββατο 19 Νοεμβρίου 2016

"ιενχχάΨ εΜ ςοιοπάΚ"

Ενας χτυπος στη πορτα μου. Καποιος ειναι. καποιος θελει να μπει στη καλυβα μου, στο ησυχαστηριο μου, μα ποιος να ειναι? ειναι περασμενα μεσανυχτα, τριγυρω υπαρχουν μονο δεντρα, ποιος να χτυπαει τη πορτα μου?

να ανοιξω ή οχι? φοβαμαι, εχω ενα κακο προαισθημα. ισως αν δεν κανω θορυβο οποιος κ να ειναι να φυγει. κραταω την αναπνοη μου, στεκομαι ακινητος, αλλά ακουω παλι τον ιδιο κτυπο. αυτη τη φορα καπως πιο εντονος. οχι, δε θα πανικοβληθω. οποιος κ να ειναι εξω απο τη πορτα μου αυτο θα θελει: να πανικοβληθω!

μετραω αργα απο μεσα μου παιρνοντας βαθιες αναπνοες. αρχιζω να ιδρωνω, τα χερια μου σιγοτρεμουν. μα ποιος να κτυπαει τετοια ωρα τη πορτα μου? κανω μερικα βηματα προς το πλάι για να δω κατω απο τη χαραμαδα της πορτας. πραγματι, βλεπω μια μεγαλη σκια που κινειται αργα δεξια κ αριστερα. πριν προλαβω να το συνειδητοποιησω, η σκια βγαζει ενα περιεργο θορυβο. ηταν τετοιος ο θορυβος που θα ορκιζομουν οτι εξω απο τη πορτα μου ηταν ο ιδιος ο Σατανας. αν μπορεσω τουλαχιστον να κανω μερικα βηματα, ισα ισα να πιασω στα χερια μου το φτυαρι!

μα, οποιος κ να ειναι, τι θα μπορεσω να κανω αφου τρεμω ολοκληρος? ακουω παλι το ιδιο κτυπημα στη πορτα μου, πιο εντονο, λες κ αυτος που κτυπαει ξερει οτι ειμαι μεσα. βλεπω το πομολο να γυριζει. οποιος κ να ειναι, θελει να μπει μεσα, θελει να με σκοτωσει! κραταω σφιχτα το φτυαρι στα χερια μοy. εχω κατσει στο πατωμα κ κλαιω. βλεπω τη πορτα να σπαει, μια μεγαλη μαυρη μορφη να μπαινει μεσα. κοιταει δεξια κ αριστερα, κ μολις με βλεπει ερχεται καταπανω μου. δε μπορω ουτε να φωναξω! νιωθω να με πιανει δυνατα απο τα χερια κ ξαφνικα ...ανοιγω τα ματια μου.

"ελα μπαμπα, ξυπνα να παιξουμε, ειναι Κυριακη"
βλεπω το γιο μου να με κουναει καθως εχει ανεβει στο κρεβατι μου. τι ανακουφιση, ηταν ενας απλος εφιαλτης!
"μισο λεπτακι αγαπη μου" του λεω χαμογελαστος.

καθως τον κραταω αγκαλια κ τον κουναω, ολο το σπιτι αρχιζει να κουνιεται! τα επιπλα, η τηλεοραση, καποια καδρα πεφτουν απο τον τοιχο, κ ξαφνικα ...ανοιγω παλι τα μάτια μου!
βρισκομαι στα χερια του τερατος που με κραταει σφιχτα, ετοιμο να με διαμελισει. κλαιω, μη μπορωντας να φωναξω ουτε βοηθεια! στα χερια μου κραταω σφιχτα το φτυαρι.
"δε μπορει, ονειρο θα ειναι. εγω βρισκομαι στο κρεβατι κ παιζω με το γιο μου" λεω με τις λιγοστες δυναμεις που μου εχουν απομεινει.

ξαναανοιγω τα μάτια κ ...τωρα βρισκομαι παλι καθιστος στο πατωμα. στα χερια μου κραταω ενα φτυαρι. με τη θολή μου ματια βλεπω τη πορτα να γινεται κομματια, βλεπω μια μεγαλη μαυρη μορφη να μπαινει μεσα, κ δυστυχως, δε μπορω να ανοιξω παλι τα μάτια μου.

Κυριακή 13 Νοεμβρίου 2016

"niarB yM edisnI niaR" (lastdaydeaf.com)

It is a rainy night, just like all the other nights and days in my life. I just left from my miserable job and  I’m heading  home. Inside my mind I have the usual thoughts: who am I, how my life became such a mess, how I lost everything without even having it. Most people like me, say “Maybe, long time ago I accidentally passed something good, something that it would have changed my life”. I don’t know if this is an excuse, but I never had a chance in my life. Everything turns up the way I never wanted. Yes, I know it’s me to blame for, but honestly, I still don’t know what I did wrong.
Anyway, as I am walking through the pouring rain in this cold night, I notice an old bookshop. Funny, it was the first time to notice it. Unaware of the reason, I am stepping in. There were books everywhere, not only on the shelves but also on the floor.  I can smell this bizarre perfume that old books have. I am touching carefully many old books respecting their inveteracy. Despite the fact that I had a glance at all those books, none of them gave me the desire to own. Fortunately, I heard a voice. A very strange voice that overawed me.  It was the weird bookshop owner’s one: “Here is the book you’re looking for, young man” he said.
I stared at him for a while, how did he know which book I was looking for? Anyway, without saying anything I took the book he had offered me. The moment he gave that to me, I had a look at his face. He must be too old, maybe more than 90 years old. He was short, wearing a black hat, his eyes were small and half-open, that made me wonder how he could see.  His mouth was so small, that I could barely distinguish his lips. But his face had so many wrinkles, never before seen in a human’s face.
What exactly is this book?”, I asked him.
It’s for you young man, only for you”, he responded.
I wasn’t feeling very well now, and I didn’t know the reason. Maybe, it was this old man, or maybe, it was the book that he just gave to me. The book, whose title hadn’t even checked. I felt dizziness & remember asking him what I owed, and his response was: “You owe me nothing young man. All that you have to do is read it”. I thanked him, and hastily left.
When I reached home, I was too tired. I just fell on the bed staring at the ceiling. My usual thoughts filled my mind. “Who am I”, etc., etc. I tried to sleep, despite I had still my clothes on, but I couldn’t. I have something bad, something like a wound in me now; something that I couldn’t understand. Incidentally, I grabbed the book with my hand. “Ok, let’s read it, maybe it will help me sleep”, I thought.
The title was “The Beautiful Life Of K.P.
For some reason I believed that this book’s theme was for me; even the “K.P.”, were the initials of my name and surname. After a while I thought that this should be a coincidence. And, tired as I was, I started reading it.
It was the life story of a guy. K.P. was his name.  The first chapter started from where he was born, who his parents were and every detail until the age of five. It was interesting, K.P. had had a very hard life since he was born. His parents left him outside a house’s door. The woman who found him, took him to raise him up as her own kid, because she didn’t have her own. But when K.P. reached the age of three, she left him outside an orphanage’s gate. I was reading it carefully, maybe because I remembered nothing of my first five years. Not even where I born, not even my parents. Funny how life can be so ‘bitchy’ for some people since the day they are born.
Without realizing, I reached chapter two. This chapter’s theme was K.P.’s life from the age of five, till the age of twenty.
While I was reading chapter two, I started panicking. K.P.’s life was exactly just like mine! I remember myself in an orphanage, just like K.P. I escaped from there when I was twelve years old, just like K.P.!
The jobs that I had since today, were the same as K.P.’s ones! Everything that I was from the age of five till the age of twenty, my girlfriends and their names, the places that I was living, the people I was hanging with, even their names  were similar, exactly the same, with K.P.’s life!
I started sweating now, I’m trembling. Is this my life? Am I the character in the book? I’m afraid to keep on reading, because I don’t want to discover the truth. On the other hand, I’m dying of agony to find out. I decide to continue, because I’m only in chapter two and the book must contain about 10 chapters, and because …I am only 23 years old. So, I believe that this was just a coincidence; these similarities with K.P.
So, I reach chapter three! This chapter starts with K.P. heading home in a rainy night, thinking how his life had become such a mess! Thinking what people like him says about their lives, what K.P. believed about his, and everything that had happened to me until an hour ago! I panicked and I threw the book away.
This is not my life! This is not my life!!!” I screamed! I was shaking now, I couldn’t see clearly. But I took the book in my hands again, I couldn’t resist in my will to learn more!
Yes, I’m reading that K.P. entered a bookshop, that the owner gave him a book to read without charging him anything! Everything, like it happened to me before! Without the slightest difference!
I start crying now. I’m crying like a baby holding tightly the book in my arms! I want to read the rest. I’m afraid, I’m scared but I have to… I must! Sweeping the tears from my eyes, I open the book again. Maybe I’ll die of my stress, of my agony, but I will read it.
And I am reading all the things that happen to me right now! It’s just like the book is being written at the same time by an unknown author! The last phrase was with me reading it after I swept my eyes. But what an irony! What a bloody irony! The book is finishing there! Its empty, it has no other words! All the other pages are blank!
Trembling and crying I’m going apace back to the bookstore. I need to find the old man who gave me the book. I need to ask him what it’s all about! Who he is, and …who I am. I need him to tell me that I’m not insane! I run to the bookstore as fast as I can. Fortunately, it’s not far from my home. Unluckily, by the time I get there, I see a cemetery! Not the bookstore, nor the owner, just a bloody cemetery. I start crying again, I start screaming! I want to know what has happened. I want to know why all this had happened. I want to know why the book is ending there, why all the other pages are blank! I remember myself falling down on the grass. I remember the cemetery’s statues haunting me.
I don’t know how much time had passed, maybe days, maybe months, maybe even years. I just know that every morning now, people with white uniforms take me near the window and leave me there until nightfall. Now i understand why the book has blank pages, and why all my days and nights are rainy…

Δευτέρα 24 Οκτωβρίου 2016

"ecapS tuobA hturT ehT tuB gnihtoN dnA hturT ehT" (lastdaydeaf.com)

In human perception, space is something visually beautiful. During a day, we see a blue sky, during the night, we see darkness and small illuminations. But space, contains secrets, space hides fear. The fear of the unknown that makes people think of a convenient answer or of a fearful one. When we are desperate, we are looking at the sky, we don’t look down at the ground. That’s because out in the sky, out in the space, anything can happen. So we choose to look up at the known unknown,  instead of looking down
How many of us, sometime in our lives have wondered what is out in space? How many planets are , where does space end, if it ends
And the most common thought if there is life on other planets?
Many ancient philosophers (and scientists) for many years expressed their theories about space, and also till today, many scientists or philosophers still express their theories. Most famous recent theory is the Big Bang Theory.
So far, there is no clear answer in the question of what space is, what space hides. Just theories based on some (true I guess) discoveries. Some of them might be true, some might be false, or some of those theories may even prove false. Personally, I don’t believe that there is life on other planets, and to be honest, I don’t care, and I don’t care much to find out what space hides. Maybe it’s because I’m looking at the beauty and the sickness in this life. However, I have a theory of what space is. I don’t know if I am the only one with this theory (too difficult!). I guess many people should believe the same like I do.
So, here is my theory: let’s take six (6) spaceships.  The first one will have a direction up (who knows where “up” is? We don’t know where “up” is and “down” on earth, maybe everything is upside down or left right from what we believe so far) the second one will have direction down, the third one direction left, the fourth one direction right, the fifth one direction in front, and the sixth one direction back.
The spaceships (or rockets if you prefer) will go straight to their direction without losing it for a second. After a (very) long time, all the spaceships (probably not exactly at the same time, unless we are at the center of space) will find their route …planet Earth! It’s so simple, that it is hard to believe! Anywhere we go, any direction we take, at the end we reach the starting point! This is a different theory from the theory that states that space is curved, and we can do circles in the limit reaching every time the starting point. If space were curved, means it has limits. And, when something has limits, means that there must be something out of the limits.
Imagine now that my theory is true. That there are no limits, no starting point, no finish line. Imagine how this would affect humanity, religion. Imagine how this would affect you. Would you be comfortable with that, or not? How would you feel when you know that we live in nowhere? I guess many of you will be sad, because my theory doesn’t allow people to make “dreams”. It restricts all limits to nothing! It’s claustrophobic, like we all live in nothing! Which God can make us feel good when we know that we live (let’s say) in a “bubble” without a start, without an end? Of course God is a complicated thought, but knowing our space’s nothingness possibly we might see Him with a different view. One thing is for sure, that life won’t be the same in our minds.
Speaking of theories, speaking of nothingness, there is another theory of mine for space. We know that it’s dark, and there is no air (oxygen). Why should we take a spaceship to find out where its limits are, and don’t take a high end microscope? Let’s take the particle “neutrino” and try to disintegrate it (as far as I know, “neutrino” hasn’t be disintegrated yet, if it does, then let’s take a particle that hasn’t been broken yet). When we disintegrate it, do you know what will happen? The sky will open! Yes, the sky will open! Looking through the microscope, we’ll see our space, and looking closer we’ll see our planet! Looking from our planet, we’ll see the sky open, and see a scientist looking at us!
Maybe it sounds strange to you, but it isn’t, these are just two of my theories. Only time will tell if I’m right. Until then let’s sleep with our eyes open.

Κυριακή 2 Οκτωβρίου 2016

"sdrawkcaB gnikciT sI kcolC ehT" (http://lastdaydeaf.com/opinion/)

We are in the year 2016. Next year, it’s gonna be  2017. And the year after 2018, and so on. That’s the way it goes for many years. When we count upwards we (believe that we) know that there is no end, that time is limitless, and we can count time forever. This metric system is good for our psychology, it makes us feel good, make us somehow …immortal.
So, I wonder, what if we counted time backwards? Let’s say for example that from next year we will yell “Happy new year -50” and the year after “Happy new year -49” until we reach year 0. And if we live more (or for those who are still alive), we start counting backwards as before, every 50 years. We will count backwards time every 50 years, because if we count (for example) every 200 or 300 years it’s the same as we count time now. Also, counting every 50 years we feel that the end is near. It’s also helpful when we can start counting to put a number near 50. For example: first 50 years will be -50 (10), then -50 (9) etc.
Also, we will count date backwards. Each month will start from its end, for example on January 1st, we will count it as January 31st until it reaches to January 1st and then February will start from 28th (or 29th) etc etc.
So, today’s date its 2nd of October -50 (10). Tomorrow it will be 1st  of October –50 (10).
It has no meaning to count months backwards, months aren’t exactly date or time. Speaking of time, we will also count it backwards, I mean hours and minutes. For example at midnight, time will start from 24:00, 23:59, 23:58 etc.
I am aware that only prisoners, soldiers and students in school count time backwards but sometimes we do the same (when we are waiting for something good to happen, like the birth of our kid.
So, will this affect us in our lives? Of course it will because many people will start thinking in different way realizing that time (our time) is coming to an end. Maybe they’ll change their behavior, and become better persons. The alibi we have of endless time (even in the back of our heads) now will cease to exist, we know that the end is coming year by year, month by month. Maybe we shall become more stressful.
Of course some may say that counting time backwards is going to make us worse persons. When we know that time is ending, we become weaker, and take out all our faults. But this has been happening for ages.
I also believe that It’s very tricky to play with human nature, it’s very tricky to play with mind. Speaking of mind, everything it’s on our mind, even time, even how we perceive the world, images, sounds all these we call “reality”.
Counting time backwards it’s a battle between us, and (what we call) reality. A battle that affects our minds and our lives. Only those who have consciousness, or control of their mind could win. But, what is winning? There is no trophy, no prize, only the knowledge that after all, time is limitless. Yes, time is limitless, but also, humanity is limitless!! Why? Because we will realize that time, does not have the meaning we think it had, time, it’s only a condition of mind! I know it’s hard to understand that, it’s an everyone’s personal state of mind.  What is time in the vastness of universe? Who says that we live here? That we live now? Who says how long we live? We say that, because we have learnt counting. So, it’s the metric system that we are used to …lost in time? No, it’s our perception.
I know that many philosophers ‘ have a theory about time. Did anyone think of time as something that’s ending? That it is only in our mind to “control” time? Did anyone think what will happen to us, to our minds, if we count time backwards?
Maybe many people have thought about it, I don’t have all the knowledge to know who. What I am curious is how I, you, someone else, can change his/her beliefs, his/her view on reality by counting time backwards. It’s difficult to do that someone by himself, but not impossible.
Personally, I did that a long time ago (as well as I could). I did that not for an experiment, I did that more to see how I would feel.
The result was impressive. I didn’t believe how I felt, I didn’t believe of what I discovered for myself, for time. Of course I’m not going to say what I discovered; this is personal. The topic is what each one of you will find out for yourselves. If anyone of you dare, go for it. I believe it’s worth the trouble. However, It’s a big risk. As I wrote before: it’s very tricky to play with human nature, it’s very tricky to play with mind.
So, be my guest and give it a try, but you should hurry up, because the clock is ticking backwards.

Κυριακή 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

"(t)eB oT toN rO (t)eB oT" (lastdaydeaf.com)

Well, here I am in a place that I never wanted to be! What is this place? It’s a place on a mountain, near a big cliff. So, what am I doing here? I just lost a …bet! Yes, this is the reason that I’m here now! And do you want to know what the bet was? Well, the bet was that (according to my friends) I couldn’t take a photo at the edge of the cliff. Yes, I bet that I could, forgetting that I’m afraid of heights, (thank God I’m not too tall!)
And now, I have to walk just 20 meters to reach at the cliff, and take a photo. It may sound easy, but I’m still afraid. My half thoughts are “ok, go and take a photo” and my other thoughts are “don’t go there, you are going to fall!”
About 30 minutes have passed and I haven’t moved at all. My friends are waiting for me at the foothills to show them the photo. I guess that they are laughing at me now, thinking how I’m going to do it!
I don’t know why it’s so hard for me, I mean, many people would do it easily. But I can’t. Damn it, I can’t! I’m afraid of f@cking heights, why did I bet? What am I gonna do now?
But as the time passes fast, I decide to do it! Just like Nike said: “just do it”
So, I take a big breath, and walk towards the cliff! Yes, that’s what I did! (I’m a brave man, I didn’t know that!). but when I try to take a photo with my mobile phone, I …slide! How did this happen, I don’t know! Maybe it’s my bad luck that’s been following me since I was born.
And now I’m falling. Yes, in a few seconds I will be dead! Sadly, I always wanted a brave death, something that will make me proud! But falling off a cliff trying to take a photo it’s not that brave! Damn my luck!
I am watching the ground coming speedily toward me, I can see a little river between the trees, I can even notice some sheep (but cannot  see the shepherd!).
As I said before, I am very unlucky! I cannot even die! And that, because 30 meters before I crush into the ground and go to find my maker, everything stopped! Yes, everything stopped! It was just like someone has pushed the pause button! I could only move my head, my hands and my legs, but I couldn’t move my body. And I was standing still 30 meters over the ground!
I prayed to God for help, but he didn’t listen to me. I screamed for help, but the place was desert. I panic, it was my first time standing still in the air, I didn’t know what to do. But for the first time in my life, I am lucky! I saw a guy down in the ground dressed in black walking towards me. He was reading (as he walks) a book. I scream at him for help: “hey mister, I need your help”.  The black dressed guy looks around himself and couldn’t see no one. He continued walking. I cried out louder: ”I’m over heeeeere!!”
The man raises his head, and saw me! He looked very frightened (I understood him a lot!!) and he put on his spectacles to see me more clearly. When he saw me, he started yelling: “oh God it’s you, oh God it’s you!!”
I felt surprise for a moment, I didn’t see that coming! “no, no, I’m not God, I’m just a normal person” I said. But the black dressed guy wasn’t listening! He knelt down, and started praying! I told him again that I was just an ordinary guy, but the black dressed man wasn’t listening. He raised his head and told me “tell me God, what do you want from me? I was an honest man all my life, I spread your Word to people. Is this my time to leave?”
“No, I need you to do me a favor and call some people to come over here” I said to him. But the black dressed man had a hearing problem! “you want me to tell people about this miracle!!” he said!
“No, no, you didn’t get it. Just call some people here to help me” I said to him. But before  finishing my phrase the black dressed man had run away! And I was left alone standing in the air!
After a few minutes, I saw the black dressed man approaching me! He wasn’t alone, there were about 20 people with him! “thank you God, I’m saved” I said
When they finally came close to me, all the people knelt, and started praying! The black dressed man told them that I’m God, and there was a miracle happening right now!  I tried to tell them that I needed help, but my voice was hoarse because of my screaming.
Then, they all told me “thank you God” and …left!  They didn’t even ask me if I needed anything! How could they do it? They believed that I’m God, and just left?? Not even asked me for a favor? Money, or health, or anything? What kind of God am I? Even my flock doesn’t respect me! I just saw them leaving. I saw myself standing still on the air. I knew that I have lost the bet, but who cares now about the bet? I’m dead, without being dead! This could happen only to me.
I felt my eyes closing, I saw the darkness around me.  I just said to myself “finally I die!”
My friends got worried because I was missing for long, and they started searching for me. They found me. They found me dead 20 meters before the cliff!!
 (this story is absolutely real)
Story by: Konstantinos Pamfiliss
Illustration: Sofia Kyrisoglou

Κυριακή 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016


"ενα μικρο βημα ειναι,
γιατι αυτος ο φοβος?
ενα μικρο βημα
προς τα δίπλα ειναι"
ειπε η φωνη.

κ γω την ακουσα,
το εκανα.
κ ειδα το μαυρο
να δινει τη θεση του
στα χρωματα
το θορυβο
να δινει τη θεση του
στη μελωδια
τα δακρυα
να δινουν τη θεση τους
στα γελια

μα ειδα στο βαθος
να υπαρχει σκοταδι
κ εφυγα
γυρισα πισω
εκει που στο βαθος
εψαχνα το φως

Τρίτη 16 Αυγούστου 2016

"thgiL ehT erofeB" (lastdaydeaf.com)

I'm inside the almost total darkness in a liquid cell. I do not know how I got here. I do not remember anything of my life up to now, who I am, how I lived. To be a prisoner, perhaps I have committed a crime. Maybe this is my punishment.
I must remember the past to find out what I did to end up here. Unfortunately I have no memories. Darkness covers my mind. My first thought is “Perhaps I have died”. But I know I am alive. I breathe normally, I can move my hands, my feet in my liquid cell.
“Who am I? How did I end up here?” This thought wanders through my mind. Whenever I open my eyes, I see some faint colours, colours that I cannot discriminate. At times suffocating, I want to cry, to shout out loud. Not so much to ask for help, but to hear the sound of my voice, help me recall who I am. But in vain. The more I try the less sound I make.
How strange life is! Suddenly, out of nowhere, to be imprisoned, not to remember who I am or what I have done!
My hands shift again. My cell is strange. Beyond the moisture, the walls are strange.  It isn’t concrete; it is as if they’re made of rubber.
Now I start to feel more afraid… Probably I am in some mental hospital in a semi-conscious state, worried that if I come round I’ll begin beating on the walls.
“So then I’ve gone mad? Is that it?”  The thought takes a stronger hold. Unfortunately this is the only explanation. A shame, because I thought when you went mad, you would be in a beautiful place, with music, with colours, able to live every moment as if it were eternal.
Immersed in my darkness, suddenly I hear sounds like someone talking, something being said. Perhaps it was all in my mind. After all, in the state I have found myself in anything is possible.
A little while later I hear the same sound again. It’s a woman’s voice. It must be coming from the neighbouring cell. I try to shout to her, talk to her, and tell her something, anything. But still I remain voiceless, without even hearing myself.
The woman continues to talk; now I can hear it more clearly. However, the language she speaks is unknown to me. I have never heard it before. Nevertheless, I try to listen as carefully as I can. I will be happy if I understand what she says.
After a while, I hear another voice too. It’s a man’s voice this time. It is quite loud, sounding too harsh on my ears, not allowing me to understand anything.
Is the guard shouting about something that has happened, something that has angered him?
How much I would like him to come to my cell, to see him a little, to be able to talk to him to find out who I am and how I ended up here. But the guard is just speaking with the woman in the next cell. To be precise, shouting. I hear him shouting loudly.
Suddenly, there is a deafening noise. I pass out. I do not remember anything else.
I am brought round by the crying of the woman in the adjacent cell. I try again to talk to her, to say something, to hear my voice at least. Unfortunately, I only hear the woman continuing to cry.
The only thing I manage to do is to open my eyes to see the usual strange pictures with strange colours.
I do not know what drugs they could be giving me, I do not know if all these things are real or dreams we have when fainting. I know that lately, when I open my eyes, the colours have become a little more intense. However, I cannot differentiate between them, and I do not remember their names. Only the flashes that I see are distinguishable, but these too may be a figment of my imagination.
I look around me again. Again I cannot see anything, not even my cell door. Now I hear another noise — intense in monotonous repetition. I have been hearing it now for some time, but nowit is much louder. The sound pierces my ears, does not allow me even to think, does not stop at all.
This sound must be some method of treatment. If it is to test my strength, then yes, they have succeeded. I have to overcome it. Try to ignore it, to gather my thoughts, on who I am, and why they are keeping me here.
I get up with difficulty. My body hurts everywhere. I probably hurt myself before, when I fainted. I proceed towards the cell door but as much as I look, as much as I grope my way around, I cannot find it. “If only there were at least a little more light in here” I think. My thoughts are interrupted by the guard’s voice. He speaks again to the woman. Now his voice sounds a little clearer. I hear only scattered phrases, words such as “will not …” “never …” “… what do you think.” I hear the woman crying, begging him. The guard now sounds angrier, shouting loudly, so loudly that I cannot make sense of the words. The woman cries loudly, sometimes I hear her begging him. I start to shout loudly myself: “Stop!! STOP!! “. My cell is violently shaken by the same strange noise.  Again I faint.
Now there is silence. I come round a little dazed. Naturally the loud noise continues to pierce my ears. Nevertheless, I manage to make out the argument, the scattered words of the jailer with the prisoner next to me.
I make another attempt to talk to her. She does not answer. I shout out to her, but again nothing. I get nervous, I get claustrophobic. I feel as though the walls are bearing down on me. I can’t take it anymore! I shout out “Who am I? Where am I?”
I begin to strike hard against the walls falling on them with all my strength. I do not care if I bleed; I do not care about anything except knowing why they have me in this cell.  I am screaming, beating the walls. “Can anybody hear me?”
An hour later, I do not have any more strength. I lie down on the floor, and start crying. Someday I will learn what has been done; only I do not know when. With these thoughts, lying on the warm floor of my cell, I fall asleep.
I wake up again with a start. My cell has started to shake again. I stand up, not knowing exactly why. Perhaps to better understand what is happening. And then, I hear voices again. Many voices. Speaking quickly, I cannot understand what they are saying. I do not even have the strength to cry. Fortunately there are no more earthquakes, or whatever it was that made my cell shake.
Now the voices can be clearly heard. Very clearly! I hear the voice of a man say: ‘Scalpel’, ‘Incision’.  I hear the sound that the skin makes as it is being cut! I hear the phrase, “at least save the baby!”
And I understand! All my queries disappear immediately! Dissolved as if they had never existed! Even the monotonous noise I heard has now stopped!
I am smiling. I smile ironically, because I have finally decided not to take part in this “game”. I have decided to abstain. Decided not to become ME. To stay whatever I am now. Not to come with you. Not to become a child of a dead mother. Not to become a child of an imprisoned father. I see only my cell illuminated brightly. I see two huge hands taking me out into the light! I hear the doctor saying emotionally: “A pity the child was born dead. A shame – it has such a beautiful smile on its face.”

Τετάρτη 3 Αυγούστου 2016

(5) "οίερταιχυΨ οτΣ ηκίλΑ Η"

¨αρέΜ αίατυελεΤ ιχΟ Η"

εδω κ πολες μερες η Αλικη δε βγαινει απο το θαλαμο της οταν ειναι μερα. για καποιο περιεργο λογο, φοβαται το φως. καθεται κλεισμενη μεσα χωρις να κανει τιποτα. μερικες φορες μιλαει στον εαυτο της, μια "συνηθεια" που ακομα κουβαλαει.
η μονη παρεμβαση που εχει κανει στο χωρο της, ειναι οτι εχει καλυψει με χαρτι το μικρο παραθυρο κρατωντας την ετσι στο σκοταδι.

εχουν περασει πολλες μερες που η Αλικη βγαινει μονο οταν βραδυαζει.
σημερα ομως, αποφασισε να πολεμησει τον αγνωστο φοβο της για το φως. τον αγνωστο φοβο της για τον Ηλιο.
καθισμενη στην ακρη του κρεβατιου της, περιμενει τη στιγμη που θα αποφασισει να βγει στο προαυλιο. ειναι ακομα νωρις, ο Ηλιος θα μεινει αρκετη ωρα να φωτιζει το Ψυχιατρειο. παρολα αυτα, φοβαται. μερικες φορες κανει να σηκωθει, αλλά αμεσως σταματαει.

εχει περασει αρκετη ωρα, κ η Αλικη ακομα δεν εχει βγει στο φως.

"πρεπει να βγω. πρεπει ολα αυτα να σταματησουν! πρεπει να σταματησω να φοβαμαι" ειπε.

αργα αργα σηκωθηκε. αφου βγηκε απο το θαλαμο της, κατευθυνθηκε προς το προαυλιο. ευτυχως, ο διαδρομος δεν ηταν φωτεινος, αυτο τη βοηθουσε να πολεμησει τη φοβια της.
λιγα μετρα πιο μακρυα, η Αλικη ειδε στη στροφη του διαδρομου να πεφτει ο Ηλιος. ενα σημειο στο τοιχο ηταν πολυ φωτισμενο. η Αλικη κοντοσταθηκε φοβισμενη. ηθελε να γυρισει τρεχοντας πισω στο θαλαμο της. 

 "πρεπει να βγω. πρεπει ολα αυτα να σταματησουν! πρεπει να σταματησω να φοβαμαι" ξαναειπε.

συνεχισε σιγα σιγα να περπαταει. πλεον το φως ηταν σχεδον δίπλα της, η Αλικη αρχισε να μη νιωθει καλα. ηταν ετοιμη να λιποθυμησει.
συνεχισε ομως να περπαταει μεχρι το προαυλιο. το φως γινοταν ολο κ ποιο καυτο. της εκαιγε το δερμα, της εκαιγε τη ψυχη. η Αλικη ομως δε σταματησε. συνεχισε μεχρι να βγει στο προαυλιο. συνεχισε μεχρι που ενιωσε τον ανεμο να τη τραβαει μακρυα.

κανείς τελικα δεν την ειδε. η Αλικη χαθηκε ξαφνικα. δεν την βρηκαν ουτε στο θαλαμο της, ουτε στο προαυλιο, ουτε σε κανενα χωρο στο Ψυχιατρειο. τι κ αν εγιναν τοσες ερευνες? τι κ αν τιμωρηθηκαν οι υπευθυνοι? η φυγη της Αλικης ηταν ενα μυστηριο που ποτέ δεν ελυσαν! 

η ιστορια της ηταν ενα θεμα που ποτέ δε σταματησε να απασχολει τους υπευθυνους. ετσι ξαφνικα, χαθηκε η Αλικη! ενα αλυτο μυστηριο για ολους, για ολους ομως οσους δε προσεξαν οτι οταν χαθηκε η Αλικη, την ιδια στιγμη φυτρωσε μια ανεμωνη σε μια γωνια του κηπου!

ξαφνικα η Αλικη ανοιξε τα ματια! ηταν ξαπλωμενη στο κρεβατι της. το μικρο παραθυρο της ηταν καλυμμενο με χαρτι μην αφηνοντας το φως να περσαει μεσα. ο φοβος της Αλικης για το φως υπηρχε ακομα. τι κ αν μολις ξυπνησε απο μία ομορφη πραγματικοτητα? το ονειρο της συνεχιζοταν, ο φοβος της το ιδιο.


Σάββατο 23 Ιουλίου 2016

"αίλυανυΣ αίατυελεΤ αίΜ"

ηταν καθισμενος στο τραπεζι στο μικρο του δωματιο. εδω κ αρκετη ωρα κοιτουσε μια θηκη. δισταζε να την ανοιξει. δισταζε, διοτι μεσα στη θηκη ηταν ολη του η ζωη, ολα του ονειρα.
η ωρα περνουσε, ο Κ ηξερε οτι δεν ειχε αρκετη. με προσοχη επιασε τη θηκη στα χερια του. τελικα πηρε μια βαθια ανασα κ την ανοιξε.
μεσα στη θηκη ηταν ενα βιολι. ναι, ενα απλο βιολι ηταν. κ ομως, τι αναμνησεις του ξυπνησε! θυμηθηκε τις συναυλιες που εδινε οταν ηταν νεος. τον κοσμο απο κατω που τον κοιτουσε εκστασιασμενος. τον ηχο που τον ταξιδευε μακρυα! αυτη ηταν η ζωη του, αυτο μονο τον ενοιαζε! ουτε η φημη, ουτε τα λεφτα. μονο να παιζει μπροστα σε κοινο, να ταξιδευει σε αλλους κοσμους μεσω της μουσικης του! ηθελε παλι να ζησει αυτη τη στιγμες, εστω κ τωρα στα γεραματα του, εστω κ τωρα, με κοινο αντι για ανθρωπους μονο τον ηχο του βιολιου.
θα μπορουσε να νιωσει οπως παλια? οι εικονες θα ηταν ιδιες? δεν ηξερε, αλλά συντομα θα το μαθαινε.
σηκωθηκε ορθιος, κρατουσε το βιολι στα περιεργα πλεον δακτυλα του. εκανε μια υποκλιση σα να ηταν κοινο απο κατω. 
ξεκινησε να παιζει, το βιολι ομως ειχε αλλο ηχο. τα περιεργα πλεον δακτυλα του δε μπορουσαν να παιξουν. οι εκονες δεν ηταν πλεον ιδιες. ουτε ενιωσε οπως παλια. δε σταματησε ομως. συνεχιζε να παιζει βιολι βγαζοντας αντι για μουσικη περιεργους ηχους. του εφτανε αυτο, του εδινε δυναμη. λιγο λιγο το χαμογελο στο προσωπο του μεγαλωνε. σταματησε, οταν επαιξε τη τελευταια νοτα.
ο Κ βρεθηκε μετα απο αρκετες μερες. ηταν πεσμενος στο πατωμα, στο χερι του κρατουσε το αγαπημενο του βιολι.

Δευτέρα 11 Ιουλίου 2016

".πΜ .Μ"

ποσο ευκολα ειναι ολα
με ενα χαμογελο!
ποσο ομορφη
ειναι πολλες φορες
η σιωπη!
εσυ εδειχνες
εγω ακολουθουσα.

"η ζωη
εχει αξία
με τη ματιά
που της δινουμε"
τα χωρις να ακουστουν
λογια σου.

τα ακουσα,
τα καταλαβα.

δε ξερω που εχω φτασει,
αλλά εχω προχωρησει.
δε ξερω αν θα φτασω
εκει που παω
ξερω οτι θα προχωρω

...σε ευχαριστω, κ καλο Παραδεισο θειε...

Παρασκευή 17 Ιουνίου 2016

"ςήγυφαιΔ οιδώλαΚ"

Η σειρηνα καθαρισμου συνειδησης ηχησε δυνατα. ο Κ πεταχτηκε αμεσως απο ο κρεβατι του. προσεκτικα (οπως καθε μερα εδω κ πολλα χρονια) αρχισε να ντυνεται. τοποθετησε με επιτυχια τα μάτια του στις θεσεις του. τα αυτια του το ιδιο. με επιτυχια εβαλε στη σωστη τους θεση τα χερια του κ τα πόδια του. σχεδον τιποτα δεν το δυσκολεψε, εκτός απο τη καρδια του. αυτη, τον κουρασε αρκετα, στο τελος ομως καταφερε να την βαλει στη σωστη της θεση. χαρουμενος που για πρωτη φορα στη ζωη του τα καταφερε, σταθηκε μπροστα στο καθρεπτη.

"επιτελους!! επιτελους τα καταφερα!!" αναφωνησε.

χωρις να χασει χρονο, ανοιξε το συρταρι στο κομοδινο. εβγαλε απο μεσα μία θηκη. εκει, ειχε φυλαγμενο ενα καλωδιο. δεν ηταν πολυ μεγαλο, κοντα στο ενα μετρο. για την ακριβεια ηταν ακριβως 77 ποντους. ακουμπησε το καλωδιο  προσεκτικα στο πατωμα. αφου βεβαιωθηκε οτι το ειχε τοποθετησει στο σωστο σημειο κ πως ειχε κανει ολα οσα του ειχαν υποδειξει οι φωνες, εκλεισε τα μάτια του. ψιθυρισε καποια χωρις νοημα λογια κ με μια κινηση  ο Κ μπηκε μεσα στο καλωδιο. προχωρησε αρκετα. στη αρχη ηταν πολυ σκοτεινα. διεκρινε μονο ποντικια κ αραχνες στο δρομο του. υστερα απο αρκετη ωρα το μερος αρχισε να φωτιζεται, σημαδι οτι εφτανε στην ακρη του καλωδιου. πραγματι, μερικα βηματα μετα ο Κ στεκοταν στην αλλη ακρη. εκει, το φως ηταν εντονο, ο αερας φυσουσε δυνατα. ειχε φτασει πλεον σε ενα πολυ ψηλο σημειο. χωρις να χασει χρονο κοιταξε κατω. για πρωτη φορα εβλεπε το κοσμο απο τοση αποσταση. του φανηκε περιεργη, μα κ ομορφη αυτη η αισθηση. αφου χαμογελασε, εκανε ενα βημα στο κενο.

οχι, ο Κ δεν επεσε, δεν χτυπησε με δυναμη στο παγωμενο πεζοδρομιο. ο Κ συνεχισε να ανεβαινει ψηλα χαμογελαστος. ειχε αφησει πισω του το παρελθον. ειχε καταφερει για πρωτη φορα να ταιριαξει απολυτα τα κομματια του εαυτου του. ειχε καταφερει να περασει μεσα απο το καλωδιο οπως ακριβως του ελεγαν εδω κ καιρο οι φωνες. ο Κ πλεον ηταν ελευθερος.

Σάββατο 4 Ιουνίου 2016

"ees i tahw ton" (lastdaydeaf.com)

Mr. K.P. is a neurosurgeon. Despite his relatively young age (only 47), he is considered the leading doctor in his country. For him, there are no working hours, schedule or public holidays. He’s treated an array of patients and, if there is something he is proud of, it is his guaranteed success rate:  nearly 90%!
Today had been a difficult day.  He had just finished a long operation— a brain tumour almost no doctor would have taken the risk of operating on. But Mr. K.P. didn’t just take the risk – he managed to save the patient’s life. Although the next 24 hours after the surgery would be crucial, K.P. was certain that everything had gone well.
Now, in his office, he was trying to calm down. He had closed his eyes, sitting comfortably in his chair —a habit that helped him distance himself from his environment — while the sound system played one of his favourite composers, Johann Sebastian Bach. As he was relaxing to the music, he heard some whispering, people talking to each other… about him? Immediately, he opened his eyes to an empty room. That frustrated him, because it was the seventh time that this had happened lately, always accompanying intense mental fatigue. Although he was a doctor, he paid no attention. He looked at his watch; it was already night time. After talking with his secretary about next day’s schedule, he left the hospital to go home.
Mr. K.P. lived alone. His hectic working life had deprived him of a wife.  He’d only had short term relationships, nothing more substantial.  A part of him might like the idea of getting married and having a family but his life was dedicated to medicine. Each day passed in the same way: going to the hospital and, rarely, going out with the few friends he had, and, in what seemed like the blink of an eye, he was approaching fifty.
He arrived home and, tired as he was, he poured a small glass of red wine to drink.  He had no appetite; he just wanted to relax in his armchair before going to bed. But then again, sometime after he had closed his eyes, he heard the same voices; people whispering about something incomprehensible. This time, Mr. K.P. was scared because this had never happened at home before. All previous occurrences were in his office, after a long operation. He assumed (probably out of fear) that he would have to worry only if it happened again.
He lay tired in his bed. He calmed down, although it took him some time and fell quickly asleep waking up terrified a bit later. He heard the same voices again but now one of them was heard very clearly. It was a woman’s voice, but what shocked him was that he heard her calling his name!  Was it reality or a dream? He did not know what to believe.
It was already four o’clock in the morning and K.P. could not sleep; such was his anxiety. Fortunately for him, he didn’t have to perform an operation the next day; it was a day for seeing patients in his office. He got out of bed, went to the living room, and poured himself a glass of red wine again to calm himself down. He didn’t even think about sleeping any more. He was afraid of hearing the voices again. Sitting in his armchair, he started thinking happy thoughts, being with a nice woman, holding her close.
Suddenly, a loud noise was heard—like an explosion. But quickly that noise disappeared. He started to worry: this has happened for the third time in such a short time! He was a doctor; he’d had his six-month check-up a month before. His health was just fine. So, what could it be? Besides stress, he couldn’t think of any other cause of this. K.P. felt very bad because, out of nowhere, he was starting to suspect that something was wrong with him. Tomorrow after the clinic he would undergo some new tests.
He got up from his armchair. Anxious as he was, he began to walk up and down in the living room. He was trying to think about different things only to relieve his mind from the voices and the “explosion”.
But in vain! No matter what his mind returned to this. He’d been walking for a long time, but when he looked at his watch he realized only ten minutes had passed. “Time flies – sometimes in strange ways!” he thought. Disappointed so, he continued to walk until suddenly he heard the same female voice calling him by his name, talking to him: “K. can you hear me? Can you hear me talking to you?  He tried to reply, to ask her who she was, but he could not open his mouth! He tried to move his hands to show her that he could not speak! But the female voice asked again: “K. can you hear me? Can you hear me talking to you? “
Some time later, K.P. opened his eyes. He saw some strange shapes in front of him. In the beginning he didn’t realize what they were, he needed a few seconds to understand that what he saw were the legs of a table and chairs. K.P. had fainted.
He got up slowly and sat with difficulty in the armchair. His head was about to explode from intense pain. “Tomorrow I will run tests immediately”, he thought. His fear began to have a name.  He was afraid that he had a brain tumour. What an irony! He who had saved all these people, now becoming ill with the same disease! But that’s life; it comes and goes through our hands in any way it wishes.
Naturally, his psychological state was quite weird now, wanting to cry and somewhat to explode, but trying to keep calm. Anyway he was not sure exactly what he might have. Anything was possible.
The next day would be the most critical of his life. At least that’s what he thought. Of course the truth was very different. So different, that it’d be better if he never found out about it, because then he would surely die.
Mr K.P. was not a doctor. He was a simple employee in a company. Yes, his dream was to become a doctor, but life most of the time has its own laws. Seven months ago, Mr K.P. had fainted. Since then he had never recovered. His wife took him to the hospital. The diagnosis was that he had a brain tumour. He had had surgery as soon as possible, but after the surgery he fell into a coma. The voices that he was hearing were the dialogues between his wife and the doctors.  They were the words his wife was telling him every day while gently holding his hand. While the ones around him knew K.P. was in a coma, he (unknowingly) was trying to live a life that he really thought he liked. The life of a doctor who saves people!
Who knows if we who now live our lives are not ourselves in a deep coma? How many of us would like to awaken to find our true family? Would we leave what we had created, family and friends, for the truth? Or would we be afraid that this truth would be another death for us?

Πέμπτη 2 Ιουνίου 2016

".Π.Κ ςοιρύΚ Ο" (120lekseis.com)

Ο κυριος Κ.Π. ειναι ενα εξεχων προσωπο της κοινωνιας. Ειναι γιατρος που μοναδικο του σκοπο εχει να βοηθαει τους συνανθρωπους του. σα πολιτης εχει παρει μερος σε διάφορες εκδηλωσεις βοηθειας που κανει η κοινωνια. σα γιατρος ποτέ δε παιρνει λεφτα απο απορους κ αυτο ο κοσμος το εκτιμα. τωρα μαλιστα που θα κατεβει υποψηφιος βουλευτης ολοι στοιχηματιζουν στην εκλογη του. το ιδιο κ ο ιδιος που πισω απο το καλοσυνατο χαμογελο του κρυβει ενα μυστικο. στο υπογειο της μονοκατοικιας του εχει φυλακισμενη μία κοπελα επτα χρονων. καθε βραδυ βγαζει τα αγρια ενστικτα του πανω στο κορμι της.
κανείς δεν ξερει αυτο το μυστικο απο το περιβαλλον του, ο Κ.Π. τοσα χρονια το κρυβει  καλα πισω απο το καλοσυνατο χαμογελο του.

Δευτέρα 23 Μαΐου 2016

"ήμγωΡ" (120lekseis.com)

«τρεχτε γρηγορα, ελατε!!» φωναξε ο αστροναυτης.  Αμεσως εφτασαν δίπλα του οι υπολοιποι δυο αστροναυτες. «κοιταξτε! Εδώ στη φωτο φαινεται ότι το τζαμι ραγιζει! Θα σπασει σε λιγο!» τους ειπε. Ολοι ειδαν τη φωτο ανησυχοι. Δε μπορουσαν όμως να κανουν τιποτα. Τοτε ο ενας αστροναυτης αρχισε να κλαιει, ο αλλος αρχισε να προσευχεται. Εκεινος όμως, εξακολουθουσε να κοιτα τη φωτο αμιλητος. Όταν ξερεις ότι το τελος φτανει, τι μπορεις να κάνεις? Είναι η στιγμη που όλα πλεον τελειωνουν! Είναι το κοντινο τελος. Απορροφημενος λοιπον στις σκεψεις του δεν προσεξε  πως οι αλλοι δύο αστροναυτες καταπιαν το ειδικο χαπι κ αυτοκτονησαν.  Δεν προλαβε να τους πει ότι τελικα η ρωγμη στο τζαμι του διαστημικου σταθμου ηταν ρωγμη στο φακο της φωτογραφικης καμερας!

Τρίτη 17 Μαΐου 2016

"ούΔ νέδηΜ ανΕ νέδηΜ"

Ας μην εφευγες τωρα,
που το αρωμα σου
που η νυχτα
γυρω μας
ειναι ζεστή, 
υγρη κ ματαιη

ας τραγουδησουμε μαζι
τραγουδια θλιψης
πεσμενων εραστων
ας πιουμε
απο το κρασι της λησμονιας
γελωντας να ξεχασουμε 
το παρελθον 

φυσαει δυνατα
η μορφη σου
στη μοναξια μου
χωρις λογια
χωρις μουσικη.

Τετάρτη 4 Μαΐου 2016


dress me up
with lies

cover my lips
with the dark
of your eyes

tell my name
one more time

in my hand
i keep a knife...

Τετάρτη 20 Απριλίου 2016

"άιελυοΔ ητΣ αρέΜ αίατυελεΤ" (120lekseis.com)

η Σ. δουλευει εδω κ χρονια σε οικο ανοχης. πανω στο κορμι της, περασε πολυς κοσμος. ολοι την ειχαν σα μια αψυχη κουκλα που ικανοποιουσε τις ορεξεις τους. ειδε πολλα με τα μάτια της ολα αυτα τα χρονια. αρκετες φορες κινδυνευσε, ευτυχως οχι σοβαρα. αποψε ομως, ηταν μια ξεχωριστη μερα. θα επαιρνε τον τελευταιο της πελατη.  υστερα θα αποσυροταν για παντα. ηταν αρκετα νεα ωστε να ξεκινησει πλεον τη ζωη της σαν ολες τις γυναικες. η πορτα ανοιξε, ενας τυπος κοντος με καραφλα κ κοιλια μπηκε στο δωματιο. ξαπλωσε πανω της. αρχισε να βογγα. η Σ σκεφτοταν ηδη τη νεα της ζωη.  ο τυπος  τελειωσε μεσα της. μαζι τελειωσε κ η ζωη της Σ  απο το μαχαιρι που της καρφωσε.

Πέμπτη 31 Μαρτίου 2016


βουβος καθομαι
αντικρυ σου
αναμεσα μας
σκονισμενο τραπεζι,
να ξερεις,
τη σιωπη
να σου μιλησει.
το βλεμμα χαμηλωνω
να ξερεις,
ψαχνω το χαμογελο σου
να βρω.
ειμαι μακρυα σου
να ξερεις,
το ονομα σου
το χερι σου κραταω
να ξερεις,
τοτε μονο
ειμαι ζωντανος.

Κυριακή 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

"...ogA sraeY 5"

they dressed me up
with weird clothes
they closed my eyes
and said to me:

"fight! "fight the monster!"

but i wasn't a brave man
i was soft as snow
solid as the rain
i only had
flowers in my heart

and when i saw
monster's eyes
i didn't run
i didn't cried
i only said:

"you won, kill me now..."

i close my eyes
to see your face again
holding my hand
and smiling to me

its funny
after all these years
i don't know
if i won
or if i lost

i only know
that you are
standing next to me
holding my hand
and smiling to me

Τετάρτη 20 Ιανουαρίου 2016

"ολεγόμαΧ οίατυελεΤ ανΕ"

μη περιμενεις
τα συννεφα να φυγουν,
η βροχη να σταματησει.

μη κοιτας το χτες,
φευγαλεα αναμνηση ηταν.

το αυριο,
κανείς δεν ξερει
αν θα ερθει.

εισαι στο σημερα,
μη το ξεχνας.
εισαι στο σημερα,
ζησε το.

κ εμενα,
τα δακρυα μου
με το πικρο μου χαμογελο.